Problems of counteracting corruption in Russia: history and modernity

  • Timofeeva A.A.

    Timofeeva A.A. - Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Golodnenko E.V.

    Golodnenko E.V. - Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


Corruption in modern Russia is one of the most acute problems that poses a real threat to national security. As a social and legal phenomenon, corruption in recent years has grown quantitatively and changed qualitatively, acquiring systemic properties and expanding “zones of influence.” According to the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation V.D. Zorkina, “Corruption ... violates the basic constitutional
rights and freedoms of man and citizen.” The roots of this phenomenon go back to the distant past; corruption was inherent in all peoples, and Russia was no exception. All Russian kings tried to fght “bribery”, but bribery in Russia turned into a component of the state machine. After the events of 1917, the bribe, as N. Berdyaev put it, “was still the foundation of Russian life.” The sickle and hammer was replaced by a double-headed
eagle in the 1990s, but the social climate not only did not change, but also created more favorable conditions for embezzlement and abuses. The scale of corruption in our country makes it necessary not only to identify
the reasons for it, but also to develop proposals to improve the effectiveness of anti-corruption policies. Anticorruption is a set of measures, including the improvement of anti-corruption legislation, the reduction of the bureaucratic “army,” the use of foreign experience and the potential of civil society. An important direction is the formation of anti-corruption consciousness and rejection of the violation of the law.

Keywords: state, corruption, legislation, law, counteraction to corruption.